Girls in STEM Course Overview

[This section can act as an introduction / overview to the Girls in STEM courses.] —  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit purus. Cras varius dignissim odio, a mattis est suscipit vitae. Integer cursus turpis non erat pulvinar, non porta justo rhoncus. Donec ipsum enim, tempus id vehicula non, suscipit a nunc. Aliquam vestibulum nisi odio, pharetra interdum mauris condimentum at. In sodales consectetur neque, quis mollis augue fermentum eu. Integer dapibus, sapien elementum mattis sodales, urna risus dapibus nisi, et ullamcorper massa mauris ac nisl. Vestibulum ac tempor augue. Phasellus ut facilisis orci.


Girls will explore the numerous different areas within STEM.

The girls will learn more about STEM areas of science including Chemistry, Energy, Biology, Botany, Marine Biology, Astronomy, Molecular Biology, and Hydrology to name a few. They will also have the opportunity to engage with female scientists doing work in these fields of science


Girls will explore the numerous different areas within STEM.

Girls will be mentored in our weekly meetings by local female college students studying the sciences as well as adult volunteers. Also, girls will have the opportunity to mentor guests visiting the Reading Science Center by sharing what they have learned


Be inspired by female role models past, present and future.

Through cultivating new relationships with mentors, leaders, and real life scientists, the girls will be introduced to a variety of sciences. They will build confidence to continue their educational journey in STEM related areas of study and ultimately their careers in STEM.


Not only will girls be mentored but they will also be a mentor.

Girls will research, learn from, and be inspired by strong women of science from the past, present, and future


be encouraged to volunteer in a leadership role.
Girls will become familiar with practices that support their growth in self-confidence. Girls will work through the scientific process and utilize problem solving skills which can then be applies to any facet of life. They will learn through failure.


Gain life experiences through 2 field trips.

To find out how you can partner with the S.I.S. program email

To Learn More / Become Involved

To Learn more or register for the Girls in STEM Program …… [This section could contain contact info.] —-  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at velit purus. Cras varius dignissim odio, a mattis est suscipit vitae. Integer cursus turpis non erat pulvinar, non porta justo rhoncus. Donec ipsum enim, tempus id vehicula non, suscipit a nunc. Aliquam vestibulum nisi odio, pharetra interdum mauris condimentum at. In sodales consectetur neque, quis mollis augue fermentum eu. Integer dapibus, sapien elementum mattis sodales, urna risus dapibus nisi, et ullamcorper massa mauris ac nisl. Vestibulum ac tempor augue. Phasellus ut facilisis orci.To